If you are in need of transferring money from your one account to another, or want to discover the cricket match scores, all you have to do is sign in to the website through your mobile or perform search on Google. It is getting easier because mobile websites are turning visitors into customers at fast rate. The features that come with the most recent version Framework, a software development platform, have facilitated the process of mobile website development. You can make use of MVC and MS Visual Studio to develop a small and appealing mobile website.
Mobile websites are dependent upon the implementation choices made by a client. The bulk of most widely used smartphones can display website as they appear on the screen of a desktop PC. Normally, these websites use standard compliant markup. The unavailability of any latest functions goes in their favor.
A good few websites do not perform well in some areas, for example, sometimes the cell phone does not display some features well. A mobile website developer can fix these issues with the help of style sheet in the website. Mobile style sheets (CSS) is a language that can be utilized to send to each and every client but applies to only mobile devices. Many developers use this approach and during website development, they mostly forget that the website would be viewed on mobile devices as well. They think that both mobile phones and web browsers will easily display the content published on the websites. But it is not always the case. Many mobile web browsers that do not support CSS at all suffer many problems while displaying a webpage.
You can develop more than one websites or a sub-site in which you can host many independent websites. This is one method to have mobile-based websites. Although, it adds to the total cost of development, it has some advantages too. The most prominent benefit is that the developer will pay special attention and invest more effort to deliver the best features possible for each version according to the requirements without compromising the quality.
The same site can be used to provide the results and modifications are made depending upon the mobile OS and the device. Moreover, the same content and database is used for all website visitors. The site will detect the mobile browser and adjust the display on the basis of markup it renders. This is the most difficult approach; however, a majority of users is satisfied with it.
Both desktop and mobile browser demand has mounted up significantly and this caused some mobile website development firm to compromise on quality. Due to this, those developers are most likely to lose out on the future benefits. The tools comes with MVC and Visual Studio 2010 can help you create codebase, which can benefit both mobile and desktop site users with best quality possible.
The above-mentioned tools are greatly helpful in designing websites that are compatible with mobile phones and desktop computer. Do try them out if you want to learn how to build mobile device compatible websites.